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That's the number of people in the U.S alone that currently  suffer from Alzheimer's. This number is constantly rising and, if the current trends continue, figures estimate that this number will rise to 13.8 million by 2050. As the number of AD victims increases, so will the economic burden of the taxpayer.

Public Impact: Welcome
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Today Alzheimer's is the most expensive disease in the United States. In total, between Federal and private spending, the price tag for Alzheimer's comes out to a staggering 236 billion dollars. As the number of cases continues to rise, this number is expected to follow suit. Estimates indicate that by 2050 the economic burden will be a crippling 1.1 trillion dollars. For the everyday taxpayer, this means less money in your pocket.

Public Impact: About


A 2015 study found that 73 million voters have had a family member or friend suffer from AD. Additionally, the study found that one-third of voters have cared for someone with AD. What this shows us is that AD is having a clear and widespread impact on the lives of millions of Americans, and often this impact is of one of great emotional distress.

Public Impact: Homepage_about
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